Friday, 3 April 2015


Hey its mariosa sorry for no post last week but here is one

A couple of weeks ago when I was in Dublin I came across a lush and the aroma just pulled me in. I had heard so much about this amazing shop full of bath bombs and bubble bars from people like zoella and gabriella both big youtubers. The first thing I thought of when I went in, is bubble baths so I went straight to the bath bombs where I picked up fluffy egg bath bomb. I also picked up a green bubbleroon  and the one and only comforter. 

fluffy egg
green bubbleroon

the comforter 

I honestly found the staff extremely nice and helpful. My mum told the man at the till it was our first time and so he explained to us how to use all the products and gave us free samples of creams and a magazine. I have tried the products and my bath becomes so much more luxurious and the colors are amazing. I defiantly  will be going back to lush.

Tell me in the comments whats your favorite lush product or bath essentials so I know what to look out for next time. Don't forget to follow my blog and share this with others it really helps me out. BYExx

                                                            if its meant to be 
                                                                 it will be


  1. I love Lush! Lovely pictures:)

  2. Oh my god...LUSH! I love that shop so much, really. They let me sample a hand cream once and it was really good, all soft and smelled like vanilla.

    Only downside was, I couldn't open the door to get out with my slippery hands. I had used too much of it.

    1. Haha that is something like I would do I love it only I live so far away from it

  3. I've never gone in Lush. We have one at the mall near me, but I never thought to go and check it out. I want to go there now to get some bath bombs. That egg one looks awesome.

    1. glad I could encourage you to go. Yes this egg is amazing and the smell is to die for! happy easter

  4. I hope you do someday thank you so much for reading

  5. I've only been in Lush once and I didn't enjoy it. The shop was very small and the smells were a bit toooo much for me. In the few minutes I was inside, I was asked if I needed help 5 times and that was... annoying. I know they just wanted to be helpful, but I felt uncomfortable. Maybe I'll try to go again on a less busy day. :D

    1. Aww that's unfortunate I suppose it depends on which one you go to.
