Hey guys so this week I thought I would change it up a bit and make a more personal post about who
I am. I hope you enjoy.
1. My names Mariosa. Yes it is very weird, I embrace it.You pronounce it mar-ee-sa.
2.I am fourteen years old and my birthday is the 24th of December.
3. I have two dogs,one horse and two donkeys . Yes I love animals.
my donkeys |
4.My favorite song at the moment is shut-up and dance by walk the moon. I know it old but I just get
in the mood with that song.
5. I legit hate school. The only reason I like it is because I like my friends without them it would be more of a nightmare that I can imagine.
6.I go to an all girls school. There is another reason to hate school.
7. I play camoige [ hurling], hockey and basketball. I also like running at the weekend if I am bored.
8. I love youtube. Some of my favorites are zoella, sacconejolys and eve bennett. Youtube is a place I go that makes me happy. I always wanted to make videos I might do that some time in the future if you would like.
9. I have double jointed thumbs its really weird I can bend them back and make them click. It is kinda the only party trick I have.
10.My favorite colors are grey,blue and really pale pink. I always change my colors but I only wear black and white to be honest.
11. I started my blog on the 2nd on January but as you may noticed I don't have posts from them as I deleted them.
12. I have two sisters one older and one younger. I am the middle child I hate it sometimes. I always wanted a brother but we all want what we cant have.
13. My favorite shows are neighbors and big bang theory. I am not a big tv person I prefer movies and WiFi.
14.Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith. Jessie J , Kodaline and lots more are my favorite artists.
15. I have never met any celebrities which is sad I hope to meet someone or go to a concert of some sort.
16. I have been to Greece, Spain, Turkey, America, Canaries, England and Wales. I have been a few more places but I forgot some. I just love to travel and hope to do a lot of it in the summer.
17. I am the worse for making friends because I am so quiet with new people but when I know someone well I am pure bonkers.
18. I am getting a room makeover currently.I just want to keep it I have it very white and simple.
19.I love just for hours to scroll through tumblr or we heart it photos.
20. I really want the person who is reading this to do 20 facts about you. I nominate you.
Thank you so much for reading I read and see every view and means so much to me. Dont forget to follow me our follower goal is 127 it takes two seconds just click